Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What a babe!

This is what I would have looked like in 1954. I was looking at blogs this morning and found this link to Yearbook Yourself on my friend Sara's blog Read Write Believe.

This is me the year I was born...1971 For another laugh, here is my actual yearbook photo. I think I thought I was really hot! I know I had the biggest hair in school!

This is what Yearbook Yourself turned up for the year I graduated, 1990. It's pretty close to the real thing...but my hair was still bigger.


Katherine said...

Oh Gina. This will keep me laughing for a good week. No need to update your blog until then. SO FUNNY! I'm going to do that, but I know it won't be as funny as yours!

Katherine said...

It really is amazing how similar those last two hair styles are! You were spot on with the hair style of that year!

Jen McD said...

Coming from a Texas girl, I have to give you some props for the big hair. Impressive. You for sure would have been in the popular crowd with that do - promise!

(do people even say props anymore? Suddenly I feel like an old person trying to figure out if "bad" means good or bad)

Anonymous said...

How funny! Love the big hair! The scary thing for me is that I have all those picture........except the 50's.