Monday, September 8, 2008

Weekend Images

Luke playing nicely with the "Choo Choo."
Do you think someone has control issues?

Jay had to blind-fold himself and plug his nose to eat the grilled cheese sandwich I made him.
A little over dramatic don't you think?
Luke LOVES playing at the water table. I just have to keep him from drinking that dirty water.
"Hmmmm, she won't let me drink this dirty water...what shall I do?
I wonder if this will work...
I guess not."
"Jay, stop swinging that around!"
"Who me?"


Katherine said...

I love your boys, Gina. Seriously, I wish I could hang out with them on a regular basis! They are both so charming :)

Anonymous said...

Charming pictures, Gina. The boys enjoy everything. So much fun to see! I love the two pictures of Luke and Jay smiling. They seem to say, "Here we are!"