Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mom & Tots

Luke and I just started the Mom and Tots class every Monday morning. It is an hour and half of pure two-year-old heaven! The very first day Luke sat a the playdough table and didn't move. He loved the playdough. These are taken on our third week where he has discovered all the wonderful possibilities in that room. Needless to say, playdough still gets his attention, but only for a minute.

Here he is painting with apples!!!

He is holding his hand up to keep his very enormous watch on.

Now, painting with paintbrushes...but this time, standing up!

Cars. Oh, the joy for a two-year-old boy! That is, until another 2-year-old boy tried to steal that joy. Time out woes shortly followed.


Luke made me my favorite breakfast...plastic eggs and air cereal...YUM!!!

After hand-washing, circle time and a snack all the boys and girls go outside!

Luke drives a boat...

and a trike...

waits in line...

and this, I don't know what the heck he is doing...but he is having fun!

Stay tuned...I am sure there will be more Mom & Tots posts to come.


Anonymous said...

Luke is having so much fun! I love that age and the adventure of discovery.

Katherine said...

I like that apple painting!
and I like his watch too!

I'm sure he is loving this!

Memories Of Mine said...

That is an impressive watch he is wearing. He must feel very grown up when he has it on.

Great post I hope you are both having fun at these sessions. I miss this sort of stuff now both of my 2 are at school and I am working full time again.

La Mama said...

The watch is my fav! Priceless...thanks for sharing the pictures with us.