Friday, September 18, 2009

Potty Training Woes...

We are potty training. This may be another excuse I have for not staying on top of blogging. Pretty much every five minutes I hear this sweet little voice say, "Mom, I doe (go) pee pee on the potty?" Sometimes something comes out, which is very exciting, because this means a treat! But usually, nothing happens, which is so very disappointing and frustrated for both of us. For Luke pee-pee on the potty = treat. Which is awesome in his mind...whenever he feels like a treat he asks to go sit on the potty. Which is literally every five minutes! I once made the mistake of saying "no, you don't need to go yet. You just sat on the potty...there is no pee pee in there." Sure enough, he peed in his diaper and became hysterical. I felt awful! He was so distraught!
Okay, plan B...stickers.
Thinking that a lollipop was just too enticing, not to mention too much sugar in one day, I decided to change the reward to stickers. The result, Luke would prefer to go in his diaper than receive a lousy old sticker which just falls off anyway. So where are we? Back to lollipops and sitting on the potty every five minutes. He's starting to figure it out though. As for poo-poo, well, nothing is worth a lollipop plus he gets plenty of those anyway. He prefers to "hide." Here he is in his favorite spot. Notice lollipop in hand...


Jen McD said...

He's getting it!! We used those little pill-looking toys that expand into a foam sponge creature when wet. Those were a BIG hit while they washed their hands. Michael's had them in the $1 bins for 12.

Pretty soon you'll be diaper free!

Katherine said...

Luke is FULL of personality! And his little quirks crack me up!!

I still laugh about how in AZ, every now and then we'd be like, "Where's Luke?" And we'd find him in the corner pooping. Hahaha!