Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Observations While Spinning

Ear Plugs. She wears ear plugs every week and a pretty bow in her hair; maybe she wears the bow so people won't notice those big orange ear plugs. Next to her sits "Bobble-Head." No, other description necessary. Then there is the man who thinks he is Lance Armstrong. In the back corner spins a very fit granny and to her left are some very fake boobs. The Reader. Not sure how he reads and spins but he does...and breaks a sweat. Today there was ass crack. Yes, ass-crack on the bike directly in front of about distracting! Next to him was a man in a very tight, white t-shirt. I think they may be a couple. They share a water bottle...yep, definitely a couple. To my right is the biggest diamond on a ring I have ever seen! I just want to touch it! Maybe if I become friends with the wearer she'll let me try it on some day. A woman walks in late, she looks like she literally just rolled out of bed and came to class. I think she is actually wearing her pajamas and has the worst bed-head ever! In front of her is a very pretty woman dressed all in black with long sleeves and pants...I wonder if she is too hot in all those clothes. I could never wear long sleeves in spinning class but she isn't even breaking a sweat. Then there is the "HOOT AND HOLLERER!" WHOOO he LOVES this class! But I have say, earplug girl does NOT love him. She shoots him dirty looks every time he howls. The instructor has the body of a twenty-year-old but the lines on her face make me guess she is in her late forties. And finally, a tired looking mom who is having a bad hair day, spins away as hard as her sore legs will let her and entertains herself, to help the brutal hour pass, by people watching. Guess which one is me...


Memories Of Mine said...

Man, I need to join a spin class sounds entertaining.

Katherine said...

Hmmmm, well you can't be the ass crack if you're looking at the ass crack. Are you the one with the FAKE BOOBS? GINA?!?! Why didn't you tell me?!?!
No? Oh, you must be the bobble head. Hahaha... nooooooo, you wear big bows in your head,
I am so confused!

Jen McD said...

funny stuff - you know that's in every gym across America right now! Keith totally thinks he's Lance. I'm the late bed head!

La Mama said...

Gina, you made me laugh. I think you should be a writer, this is hilarious. Thank you, I always need a good laugh!