Monday, February 9, 2009

Jeremiah 29:12-13

Today is Luke's second birthday! I can hardly believe he is two!! Anyway, in October, I wrote about Jay and how he is God's answer to my very selfish child-hood prayers for blue eyes. Every time I look into his beautiful blue eyes I see God's love for me. The same holds true for Luke, but in a different way. In his case, I see a very specific answer to years and years of a very specific prayer and one prayed by many…a prayer for a baby.

Many of you know that for Nick, one was enough. Whatever his reason, he was sure that our family was complete with one child. I, on the other hand, felt quite differently. When Jay was three, my desire to have another baby came with full force! I wanted another baby. I longed for another baby and I was very open about it. Nick was pretty much hounded night and day. Those of you, who know Nick, know that one of his greatest qualities is his steadfastness. He is solid as a rock and loyal to the end. He is resolute and committed and if he says he is going to do something, he does it. He is not a flake and he doesn't change is mind. Okay, on the other side of that same coin is man who can be somewhat stubborn. We laugh (now) that while I have the characteristics of an elm tree, he is most certainly an oak!

The Bible study I was attending here in Boise knew, in confidence, of our struggle. And they prayed for us. My friend Britiney said, in full confidence, "we'll just pray for God to change his heart." I laughed to myself and thought, “She obviously doesn’t know my husband.” I guess in a sense, as much as I wanted to believe God could change Nick’s heart I had my doubts. There were many people who prayed this same prayer, people who wanted us to have another baby almost as much as I did. My mom prayed. Nicks mom prayed. I prayed some more. After moving to North Carolina, my new Bible study prayed. I later found out, that unbeknownst to me, my dear friends Lori Jo and Andrea would meet and pray together for the desires of my heart. Even Jay started praying, not knowing of our strife (well, at least I don’t think he did), for a baby brother.

One day I was on a run with some friends discussing it and telling them that all I could do was pray. I couldn’t make Nick have another baby with me. He wasn’t giving in. And as desperate as I sometimes felt, I knew I would never scheme a baby out of him…although, honestly, the thought had crossed my mind. I said to one friend, “all I can do is pray that God will change his heart.” Her reply was, “praying isn’t going to get you pregnant.” Sadly, I half-heartedly believed her.

Then after three years of praying and scheming and begging and pleading, arguments and resentment, and praying some more, Nick and I sought counseling…Godly counseling from Chaplain Zaccardi. And then something remarkable happened, Nick and I started praying together. Then the astounding, I started seeing my husband again, the one who I fell in love with and my desire, this overpowering need to have another baby, started to wane. I was reminded of the beautiful life God had provided for me, a loving and devoted husband and beautiful, healthy, blue-eyed son. All the while the miraculous was happening, Nick heard God’s voice and his heart changed too. And today, we have Luke.

Many of you are familiar with Jeremiah 29:11 a beautiful verse; "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Read on through verse 13; "Then you will call upon me and pray to me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

Happy Birthday Luke. I love you!!!

P.S. I can’t help but to point out God’s magnificent timing. Most obvious is for me, Luke came into my life after I found peace in my circumstance and a renewed admiration and love for my husband. But Luke also came into this world at a time when a woman battling cancer desperately needed to know God heard her prayers and at a time when a little boy was learning his first lessons on faith. He came after some had given up hope and when many had probably forgotten.


Katherine said...

Oh wow.
Tears tears tears! This is one major testament to the power of prayer. I have seen this power time and time again, but this story is undeniable. I remember those days, Gina. You fought an internal battle of cherishing who you had, but yearning for another. I thought it would never happen...and I was praying too!
Another testament to God's divine work is how quickly you became pregnant after Nick's change of heart. Truly amazing! Wasn't like a week? Luke is such a blessing to us all! Happy Birthday Luke! We love you! (and I can't believe he is 2 already!)

LaffyCaffi said...

Wow, that post was like being at church! Well you got your two kids and they are awesome! Happy Birthday Luke!

Jen McD said...

Happy Birthday Luke!! Gina, I love His story for Luke in your life. God is gracious, loving, and kind... all the time!

Anonymous said...

Where are my tissues?!?! I need my tissues! Truly, a beautiful story. A "love story"at it' finest. You're a beautiful person Gina - kind of like Esther, but I actually think you're smarter. :) OH! Happy Birthday to the little man! - Christine

christa said...

Hi Gina, I know we don't know each other, so I hope I don't totally freak you out...that I've read your blog. I'm Britiney's little sister and I wanted to see how you reposted her fun little idea. And then I saw your most recent post.
Thank you for sharing. And what a beautiful testimony to God's sovereignty in your lives! His timing is so perfect! Your family is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story, not knowing your internal battles, I am truly happy for you. The divine power of pray and intention is present in your story. What a blessing! Happy Birthday Dear Luke!

Memories Of Mine said...

Happy birthday wishes to the boy that is truly a gift from God.

I know he will continue to fill your family with love, joy and laughter.

I also bet Nick would change him for the world.

La Mama said...

Incredible! I remember being in that Bible Study...I remember it. Thank you for the reminder that God still performs miracles. Awesome!!!

LaffyCaffi said...

what address should I mail the Don Francisco Cassette Tape to?