Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Fun Idea!

I saw this idea over on Britiney's blog and thought I'd play along. Here's how it goes . . . The first five people to respond to this post with a comment will get something made by me! My choice. For you. This offer has some restrictions and limitations:
1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It'll be done this year.
4. You will not have a clue what it's going to be. It may be a story. It may be poetry or an article on properly cleaning your toilet or laundry or (fill in the blank). I may draw or craft something. I may bake you something. Who knows? Not you. That's for sure!
The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must repost this on your blog (or facebook/myspace page) and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog.
The first 5 people to do so, and leave a comment telling me they did, win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift made by me! Oh and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!
Good Luck!!


Mrs. Proctor said...

oooo...ooooo...I want to play. Will my gift include belly lint? Or maybe some homemade toe jam? Hint Hint

Memories Of Mine said...

That's a pretty cool idea but not sure if I can commit to it. I might have to get back to you on this one

Anonymous said...

Fun time, lucky me to be in your first five! Hmmmmm..... I'll play!

Andromeda Jazmon said...

Can I be number 5? This is so exciting! I love hand made and getting something in the mail! I'll definitely pass it on too. Great game!