Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Glass is Half Empty

I am the first one to acknowledge it's the little things in life that make it so sweet! A kiss from my husband before he leaves for work, the sound of my children's laughter, that first sip of hot coffee early in the morning, those things make my world go round. It wasn't until this morning I realized that it is also the "small" things that can bring peace and serenity to a screeching halt! It may not look like much but the ice dispenser on my refrigerator is the bane of my existence!!! Okay, I realize that is a bit melodramatic, but it really drives me crazy! Every morning I go to fill my water bottle up with ice water and every morning I find myself scrounging around on the floor picking up ice cubes that have been forcefully thrown out of the freezer, bounced of the rim of my water bottle and flung every which way. Inevitably, I miss one or two cubes only to find it later when a cold wet feeling soaks through my socks...ICK! And this ice dispenser is NOISY too!I have to get ice from the freezer rather than use it while Luke is sleeping...the nerve!!! And now to top things off Luke has realized that he can reach it...standing on his tip toes with a tall cup. But his aim is really lousy and so there we are again...more wet socks. Which reminds me...another small thing that really makes me mad is wet socks!


Katherine said...

Well, so much for the luxury of an ice dispenser. Don't you remember back in the day of ice cube trays? Would you rather that?
p.s. There you have 2 pet peeves. You are beginning to sound like Mark :)

gina marie said...

Hahaha...I know what a whiner I am!!! There are bigger problems in life...FOR SURE!!! Just after I wrote this post I went to get bounced off the rim of my cup and landed on my foot...hard! Boy was I mad! But you are right, trays are a pain. There has got to be a better way. Maybe there's a million dollar idea here.

Jen McD said...

What about a cup funnel to place inside your glass to catch more ice? It should be flat on one side so you can press it back yet have a higher edge in front to stop the flying ice. That will be one million dollars please.

I say you ditch the whole thing and buy a new fridge. Totally worth the wet sock drama alone!

I get it ;-)

LaffyCaffi said...

You have too many pet peeves. You got a problem, girl! Check you into the looney bin!