Last year, Jay was a ninja. This year Jay dressed up as a SCORPION ninja! Luke, was Max, King of all Wild Things. I thought this would be a perfect costume for him. He is the biggest Wild Thing I know. I asked him if he wanted to be Max, not thinking at the age of two he would have an opinion on it. He said, no, he wants to be Batman. Batman? Really? Thinking this was a fluke and would pass, I bought the Max PJs anyway. Afterall, Halloween is all about me, right? So, while online I showed him the picture of the Max PJs. Wouldn't you know, the Warner Brothers website would include the Batman icon on the top menu bar. Luke, not missing a thing, says, "No, I want to be that one and he points to Batman." UGH.
I don't know if it was that my heart was set on him being Max because I knew how darn cute he would look or if it was more a matter of keeping him my baby but I bought the Max costume anyway. I know from here on out I will no longer have a say. So, Max it is! For two weeks, I wondered if he would actually wear the costume of my choosing or he we would end up Trick-or-Treating as Luke, King of the Terrible Twos. I should have known that once I mentioned "candy" he would wear anything.
So, here they fierce Scorpion Ninja and Max, King of the Wild Things!
That's a Wild Thing if ever I saw one!
Let the Wild Rumpus begin!
Cute? No?
Fierce, except for those gorgeous blue eyes!
Once we started on our candy mission, Jay was long gone with his friends. I stayed back with Luke and was entertained for at least two hours. Door after door, Luke would look into the windows and yell "TRICK OR TREAT!!!!" Oh, he was ALL about Halloween. There wasn't one scary doorway that would keep him from getting that candy!
I guess this is it. My baby no more. I know it won't be long before Luke is off trick-or-treating with his big brother and all of their friends and I will be left at home to pass out candy. So, I got my way this year. Next year be on the lookout for Batman and probably another ninja...and a mom, who is finding it hard to let go, in tow.
That is precious Gina! I think my favorite picture is the one with him yelling trick or treat in the window!! So funny!
As soon as Macie realized there is candy involved with ringing doorbells, she was all about it!
:-( I hate letting go. He is a cute Max! I think I would have him wear those all the time to soak in more cuteness.
Jay really ran off with is friends? Oh my, I am not prepared to hear that!
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