Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Don't Do That!!!

Okay, so, I am trying to lose this baby fat...and it has been slow and painful. I have cut my calories to 1700/day, started jogging again (noticed I didn't say running), lifting weights and I have even been going to yoga. I love yoga! It is my favorite healthy thing right now and it isn't easy. It really is a great workout. My yoga instructor is in amazing condition and is very gracious...she hasn't once laughed at me or any of the other pathetically out-of-shape and incredibly inflexible participants. Anyway, each week I try to do better; stretch farther, hold the pose longer, etc...but I think I may have pulled something. I think it is an AMA thing (Advanced Maternal Age) as the injury has occurred in my hip.

Those of you who know me well know what a hypochondriac I am and how incredibly neurotic I can be when it comes to my or my family's health. I am chronically worried about cancer...cancer scares the *&^%$ out of me! So, any pain or ache or weird malady and I am headed to see the doctor...and if I can, get a CAT scan.

Well, I am in the office describing the pain...but it isn't there. He pushes here "does that hurt?"


He pushes there "how about that?"


"When does it hurt?"

So, I think for a moment...then I twist, no it doesn't hurt when I twist. Maybe it hurts when I bend over, so I bend over and try it pain. Okay, I know for sure it hurts when I do this one particular yoga, I sprawl out on the floor, lift my hiney and legs into the air whilst supporting my lower back with my hands. I carefully lower my shoulders like I am told to do in class and slowly bring my toes down over my head and touch the floor. Yep, there it is! It's difficult to talk in this pose but I managed to utter "Doctor! it hurts when I do that!"

He looked at me and replied "Well, don't do that!"

*** Note: my stories always have at least 10% truth to them...


Macie Days said...

If I hadn't read the title to your blog post, you would have really had me going. I would not put it past you to actually do a yoga pose at the doctor's office to get a correct diagnosis. That is so you! And so so funny!

Anonymous said...

I am right there with you....seems that I have heard that saying too. So easy to put on and so much work to get it off---talking from experience.
I am going to the gym right now!

Katie said...

until i read katherine's comment i actually thought you were doing yoga on the doctor's office floor. i'll call you hypochondriac, you can call me gullible.

oh by the way, i am actually fourbrighteyes aka katie, nice to meet you.

gina marie said...

Yea Katie...I didn't actually go to the doctor...I am gritting it out. Anyway, I didn't want the doc to see how bad at Yoga I am.

P.S. Love your blog...cute kids!!