Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Finally, I have my camera back!

But, unfortunately I forgot to take it with us on our first family camping trip ever! I can't believe it! I also forgot to brink chocolate for the s'mores. A s'more without chocolater really becomes more like a "n'thanks."

Here is Luke Sunday playing in the water table in our back yard.

Yes, those are the infamous red boots.

Brothers playing nicely together.

We HAD to have s'mores so we roasted marshmallows over the burner.

Monday afternoon we went back on the boat. The water is still too cold to wakeboard in but not too cold for tubing.


Memories Of Mine said...

Oh now I need to know the story behind the camera?
The tubing shots are really cool.

Katherine said...

you are a brave mama!
You'll have to take a camping trip "re-do"!
I can't wait to see your boys. And you too!

LaffyCaffi said...

Nice Jeana!

I am so glad you are back in action with the camera! Man you have the funnest family ever! You *almost* make me want to start one of my own! ;) Someday! I love it though, seriously, it's so cool to see the fun you all share!

Jen McD said...

Too much fun!