Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Jay had a sleep-over...

We went to the pool. This shot shot makes me laugh becasue of the big green alligator in the back-ground. Some animals just crave attention!

This is Jay's friend Javier. Isn't he cute?

Luke loves floating around in his water wings!

And his football.

And eating snacks while watching the other kids swim.

This morning Javier and Jay were reading the comic book together. I was trying to take their picture but Luke kept stepping in front of the lens...and I kept asking him to move. He finally realized what I was trying to capture so he joined in with the boys. Too funny!!!

Then some other boys from the block came over to play. I gave them the video camera and told them to have fun. They could make a commercial or a movie or whatever. Here they are filming the seventh Star Wars movie created by Javier. (Jay is Darth Vader and Cal is the "good guy.")

Ed is the camera man and movie director.

The "good guy" defeated Darth Vader! And the extra stole his mask!

Cal is still acting even though the camera is no longer rolling. He really got into his character!

Javier is enjoying his movie come to life. And still so darn cute!

Luke and Hank played cars. Around and around they nicely!

Hank's car is making the jump!

Now Luke's...

Fun times!


Katherine said...

Gosh these are sweet kids. I think I like looking at the photos because I feel like I'm there (except, it's quiet!).
That first picture cracks me up.

Mrs. Proctor said...

awww...very sweet. What a good idea, you having the kids film. You're so creative..a big wierdo, but a fun creative wierdo! ;)

La Mama said...

Thank you, friend. What an unforgettable two days for Javi! As always you knew how to capture the moment ;)

Anonymous said...

Now I know what the kids on my block are have so much fun!