Monday, June 2, 2008

My Man's an IRONMAN!!!

Yesterday morning at 5:00 a.m. we loaded up our car and headed to the lake. Not for a nice relaxing day on the was too cold for that. No we went to see Nick start what was to be the most gruelling endurance challenge he had ever faced...The Ironman 70.3. For those who aren't familiar the Ironman is THE end all and be all of endurance racing. The 70.3 is the total mileage of the race. The next time you are on a road trip, set your will be amazed at how far 70.3 miles the car!!! Now imagine swimming 1.2 miles, cycling 56 and then running 13.1. I think they should call this race the "Madman," the "Crazyman" or the "What the heck are you thinking...Man?" Here is Nick an hour before race start.
You can't really tell by this picture but it was COLD out there!!! After this brief pose with Dad, Jay curled up on the ground in a feeble attempt to cover his entire body with that small blanket.
Number 1067
(I find it hard to believe there are THAT many crazy people out there who want to do this) Oh and the water? It was a balmy 50 degrees...and choppy.
Hey, they don't call this the "Egyptian Cotton Sheet Man" do they?
Do you see that boat? It's that speck WAY off in the distance...that is the second of four buoys.
Can you find Nick? Hint...he is still smiling.
Wave 11..."The Red Caps"
Now can you find him? longer smiling...
Oh yes he is...swim over!!! Now only 69.1 miles left to go...
But first, he needs helping getting that wetsuit off...and do a few crunches.
Why not? After all, this IS the Ironman
There's my man!!!
Okay, I think this is just cruel. After an hour of swimming, almost four hours on the bike and 6.7 miles into the run the course leads to the finish line...BUT...the athletes have to run the course ONE more time.
But, hey, they don't call this the "Rose Petal Man" do they?
Waiting for Nick I saw several kids greet their parent and run to the finish line with them but these two were by far the cutest. You think anyone will mess with this little girl? I don't think so.
Here he comes!!! Hey, where is that smile?
Awe, there it is!!! Or is that a grimace? Smile? Grimace?
Honestly, I don't know.
The cheering section...

I don't know these people in the next two photos but, boy, were they enthusiastic!!! They cheered like this for EVERYONE!

Our friends The Downeys came to see Nick finish. Gerry even rode his bike to the start early in the morning to see the swim. Thanks guys!!!
Congratulations Nick! I am so proud of you!!!


Macie Days said...

I am speechless! The ironman is definitely AWESOMEMAN! Nick is totally awesome man! WOW MAN!!!

WAY TO GO NICK!! What an inspiration, I am so proud of you!!!

Gina, you are clever and funny. I love the part about Egyptian Cotton Sheet Man. How can I sign up for that race?

Macie Days said...

P.S. I was nervous when I called your house at 4 pm and no one was home. I felt a little guilty leaving a message saying "I hope you are still in one piece". My fear was that Nick would call and say he lost a leg somewhere along the way, because in that kind of grueling race it is quite possible!

gina marie said...

Nice job Dad! Do good on that next Ironman. I'm proud you are my dad!

Love, Jay

Jen McD said...

Very Impressive~! Congrats on the finish!!! Now when are you going to get your ironman tattoo?

Anonymous said...

Ironman--you look great! Way to go, wow--what else is there to say! Congrats for a achievement accomplished! I'm impressed!!!!

LaffyCaffi said...

Kick ass! I know Nick has been training for a long long time for this, and I know the feeling of accomplishing a physical feat that takes that kind of dedication. So to that I say STRONG WORK and don't stop! That's so awesome!