Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Here's Luke at 1 year. I love the way his whole face lights up when he smiles. Luke is a very happy baby. If he isn't REALLY happy, then he is REALLY unhappy. He is getting very good at walking now.

His words are:
Guck = Duck
Nana = any food

That's about it for real words, however, he has his own complete language that he mutters all day. I have no idea what he is saying but he is always talking. He signs "more" but I think he does it whenever he wants something. And whenever I say "No NO" he hits himself in the head. Not hard, but I worry that if someone sees this, they may turn me in for child abuse. Luke's absolute FAVORITE thing to do is go OUTSIDE! Oh, he loves it! All I have to do is say the word and he heads for the door. He used to be content to just ride on his trike around and around the block, but now he has figured out how to safely get off and and walk. It's definitely his freedom and he relishes it!

Luke's favorite foods are:
Bagel and cream cheese
Macaroni and cheese
Gerber chicken and turkey sticks
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Whole grain fig newtons

And that's about it. If I give him any one of those menu items he eats like there is no tomorrow. Anything else and he's likely to throw it on the floor. Vegetables, forget it. Maybe I can sneak in a pea or corn kernel here or there but mostly its fruit and cheese that he goes for. Maybe he's French? I don't know. He seems to be hungry whenever I go into the kitchen. He follows me around and grabs anything at his level and gives it to me to serve to him. Yesterday, he brought me Nick's whey protein.

Luke is into everything. He has learned "no touch" and for the most part, he obeys. Two nights ago Luke took all the plastic cups from the lazy Susan cupboard and put them in the linen drawer. I also found the tot lock in the toaster...so, he keeps me on my toes these days. He sleeps well when he isn't teething and takes one good nap a day. When he is awake, though, he is full throttle...no more sit and cuddle for him, he is always on the move.

His favorite books:
The Five Little Ducks
Brown Bear Brown Bear
Mr Brown Can Moo
Farm Animals

1 comment:

Macie Days said...

Oh my gosh... Seriously, Luke has SO MUCH personality!!
He is re-organizing your kitchen! How thoughtful!
Hearing your stories makes me want to teach Macie some tricks like "Outside". We never go outside... she probably doesn't even know what outside is. sad. Maybe when temps rise above 10 we will venture out. But Luke is FUNNY! Eric thinks he looks exactly like you.