Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I need to apologize for my rant in the previous post. I don't hate Oprah. I think she does a lot of good in this world. I just don't like her favorite things show. I LOVE the Super Bowl and thought this past one was the best game ever! I don't know what was up with me. My husband even asked "what was up with that post?" The only answer I can come up with is hormones.

It's a new day. I am back to my old self and I still want what other people have...and I am fine with it.


Katherine said...

I do that all the time too, Gina. I sometimes use my blog to vent, and sometimes I think I am making a good point, and then I read back and wonder what I was thinking.
But, I didn't think your post was bad at all. In fact it had many valid points to it!
I still like Oprah... and some of her favorite things too!

Anonymous said...

Your last post made me laugh! Certain days, the everyday things or happenings drive me crazy. Oprah is O.K. most of the times and the super bowl was like a movie script, first one in a long time that I sat through. Usually (for me), football gets boring by half time! It's a men thing .... growing up in my family, the T.V. was on for every single football game in existence.

Memories Of Mine said...

It’s totally understandable that you would still be upset about missing out on those black pants.

LaffyCaffi said...

Don't apologize to me, Gina, I really DO hate Oprah! She's pompous and thinks she is God's gift to the world. She has totally let her fame go to her head. And she has NO business telling people how to diet and stay fit, have you seen her lately? Oprah is over-rated, over-hyped, completely biased and too many people follow her like some sort of cult. Her audience is loyal to a munch of freaky insecure dramatic female types.

Mrs. Proctor said...

Gina, Gina, Gina,
I forgive you. I bought Tony five pairs of those stretchy pants, and they did nothing for his hiney.