Sunday, March 2, 2008

Is It Possible?

...for a seven-year-old to have too much fun in a 24 hour period?

Friday night Jay had a sleep-over with two of his best buds. We had pizza and root beer and played the Wii. Then it was movie time, complete with sleeping bags and flash lights.

Saturday morning the boys woke up bright and early to the smell of homemade waffles by Dad! And bacon too!!!
Luke is signing "more."

Heads are tilted, I see a tongue is out and they both have that far off, wide-eyed, zombie stare...they must be playing the Wii again.
This was only the beginning. After they left our house, the boys went to Ed's hockey game and then to Cal's birthday party at Boondocks. Boondocks is like Chuck-E-Cheese on steriods, complete with Lazer Tag, Bumper Boats, Race Cars, Miniature Golf, etc...

Finally, 24 hours after it all started it ended...leaving one very tired seven-year-old!

I think we're good until the next leap year!!!


LaffyCaffi said...

What I would to do be a 7-year-old again... and especially in the Rad household! Waffles? Are you kidding me? Where was my invite?!?!?

Macie Days said...

Geez, you must be wiped! There probably is such a thing for a 7-year old to have too much fun...according to a mom.

gina marie said... is definitely possible for a mom to have too much fun in a 24-hour period!