Saturday, March 15, 2008

Grease Lightning!!!

Some friends and I took our kids to the school "Sock-Hop" last night. I have to admit, it really wasn't my idea of a hip Friday night event...but it turned out to be a lot of fun for the kids and for us. I may get dropped as their friend, however, for posting these photos on my blog but I had my camera and they had, really, is there any question?
Theresa almost beat the principal for the win.

Cal is busting a move. My camera couldn't keep up with this kid!

Grease Lightning!!!

Jay is doing some break dancing...I think.

A sock-hop isn't complete without a Conga line.
It kept going...
and going...
and going...

I think Jay is ready to stop.

1 comment:

Macie Days said...

That Jay can sure dance! Just like his mama!