Saturday, February 9, 2008


Friday was the best day of school...EVER! Why, you may ask? Because Jay had to dress like a cowboy for the school Ho-Down!!!! The Ho-Down is the progam his music class has been working on all year. One tough cowboy!
Jay walking into the auditorium.

Singing "Beef Jerky"
"you can't cut it or chew it or beat it. Beef jerky, beef jerky, there's no possible way you can eat it!"
Proud moms on the side taking pictures...
dads too...
and baby brothers...

Square dancing.
Here is Jay, taking a bow.
Check out those naughty third-graders in the background making faces.
I just noticed Jay is the only one bowing.
I'll post the video later.


Macie Days said...

Oh my gosh, Jay, you melt my heart! I love that little cowboy!
He is so serious, yet such a good sport, and SUCH a good kid. I love that photo of him bowing... and that he is the only one bowing. He is so endearing! I miss your boys!

Anonymous said...

Who is that handsome cowboy? Just a fellow named, Jay! Looks like a fun program. Love the cowboy theme!